Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Agrale is a Brazilian manufacturer of military vehicles, motorcycles, scooters, commercial vehicles, engines and agricultural tractors. It is based in Caxias do Sul, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Established in 1962, the brand's current model line-up consists of the Marrua SUV and pick-up truck. Tractors include both self-developed models, and ones based on Zetor designs.


The company was originally called AGRISA, and built AGRISA-Bungartz tractors under license of the German-based Bungartz company. Later alliances included Deutz-Fahr, when they built some tractors and trucks under the Agrale-Deutz name, and later with Zetor. AGRALE is now a part of the Francisco Stedile Group, which includes the Lavrale, Fazenda Três Rios, Germani Foods and Yanmar-Agritech Tractors companies.
Agrale produced about 5000 buses in 2004



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